We offer wide range of galvanized and fiberglass feed storage bin. Feed storage bin keeps feed dry, fresh, and nutritious. Temperature fluctuations between day and night are kept to a minimum. Inside, there is less condensation and moisture, which improves the quality of the feed. Feed storage bin prevents mold from accumulating and feed from congealing.

Silos made of galvanized corrugated steel with a 600g/m2 zinc coating. More than 37% of galvanization than others suppliers. More corrosion resistant and larger service life.

Manufacture according to Eurocode 1.4. Under request, calculation in other norms and calculation of different coeficients sismic, snow & wind, to adapt to geographic areas.

Manufacture under norm En-1090, CE Marking State of art production to easy assembly.

Capacities from 4,77m3 to 85m3
6 diameters: : 1.80m, 2.10m, 2.50m, 2.75m, 3.20m, 3.80m. Hoppers: 45o, 60o y 67o

Possibility of recycling after use. ISO 45001 manufacturing.

Optimal Feed Flow
Inner joint between cone and collars to avoid obstructions.
Round head screw in hopper.

Fresh Feed
Galvanization and waviness allow to reduce inner temperature avoiding condensation.

Drip Edge
Cylinder ́s lower edge bent, deviate drops of water through body sheet, protecting hopper and boots from humidity.

Hopper And Bracing
Hopper sheets are die-formed edge for tight fit with the outlet. Hopper sheet is fixed to cylinder at a flat part of the wave avoiding damaged by bolt pressure and corrosion. Leg`s design along with the cross bracings and anchor plate in one piece, facilitate loads transmission, increasing resistance and stability.

Safe Ladders
Resistant, with roof ́s handrail, security protections and slip-resistant ladder rungs for better footing in all weather conditions. Fixed or removable in option to prevent unauthorized access.